Hospital & Homebound MinistryAnd the King will say to them in reply, Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.
- Matthew 25:40 The most important thing we can do for someone, particularly if they are lonely or infirmed, is to take the Body of Christ to them in a sacred and holy manner. These communion ministries are personal, where one Christian visits another with prayer or devotional material and communion. It is a way to befriend a person who may not have another visitor that day. It is a way to encourage the person with Christ`s promises. And while we are with the person, we can ask if they require anything from the Church, and let appropriate parish staff know of those needs. Orientation sessions will be conducted for all new volunteers. Devotional materials, prayers, holy cards, rosaries, etc., are furnished for this ministry by Holy Redeemer Parish. The time involved depends on the number of Catholic patients in the hospital, or are homebound or in long term care facilities. We do our best to visit everyone that we know are in the hospital, and also those who are homebound and in long term care. WHEN : Sunday, usually once a week (Hospital Ministry only). Wednesday, usually once a week (long term facility only). Weekly, whenever convenient for the homebound. TIME : Whenever is convenient PLACE : Martin Memorial Hospital, Palm City Nursing Home, SandHill Cove or homebound parishioners. Finally, personal "one-to-one training" will be accomplished by the new minister accompanying an experienced minister on his or her rounds. All women and men who have been confirmed are eligible for this ministry. Serious Illness Please notify the Parish office at (772) 286-4590 when your loved one is sick or in the hospital. Martin Memorial Hospital North is located in St. Joseph’s Parish and Martin Memorial Hospital South is located in St. Andrew’s Parish - both hospitals are ministered to on a regular basis by the priests and Ministers of Holy Communion from those parishes. Holy Redeemer’s Ministers of Communion visit both hospitals every Sunday morning, and minister to Sandhill Nursing Home and Palm City Rehabilitation Center on Wednesday. Upon admission, the patient must specify that he/she will accept the visit from his/her church. We are always happy to visit the sick at the hospital when the office is notified and permission is granted by the patient to do so. Homebound are also visited when the office is notified. For more information, you may contact our office at (772) 286-4590 |